I really wish I was better at embroidery
but these pretty things sure inspire
me to work on it!
this was truly my best etsy purchase EVER.
this large assortment of cards saved me
when I didn't have time to card shop.
totally recommend it!
by IndustriousLily
I'm sure I'm not the only one excited for
this upcoming Fourth of July,
but I'm just really looking forward to it
this year!
I never used to care too much for it,
but the fun of traditions has made it addicting.
I think for the past four years I've watched
the fire works at my old high school
and also at this great beach
on Lake Michigan that Glenn and I have
some sweet first memories at.
In case I don't get around to posting
on July 4th I wish you all a wonderful,
tradition-filled, and safe holiday!